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Handlar som: Privatkund

Priserna visas inklusive moms och du betalar med Klarna

Priserna visas exklusive moms, du kan betala med Klarna eller faktura

Handlar som: Privatkund

Priserna visas inklusive moms och du betalar med Klarna

Priserna visas exklusive moms, du kan betala med Klarna eller faktura

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Niklas Bondesson


Niklas Bondesson (PhD) is associate professor in marketing at Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University. His research has mainly revolved around brand management and marketing communications, resulting in publications in various academic journal including Industrial Marketing Management, European Journal of Marketing and International Journal of Advertising. Niklas has also founded Evidence Strategy, where he contributes as a senior brand advisor.

Niklas Bondesson (PhD) is associate professor in marketing at Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University. His research has mainly revolved around brand management and marketing communications, resulting in publications in various academic journal including Industrial Marketing Management, European Journal of Marketing and International Journal of Advertising. Niklas has also founded Evidence Strategy, where he contributes as a senior brand advisor.