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Priserna visas inklusive moms och du betalar med Klarna

Priserna visas exklusive moms, du kan betala med Klarna eller faktura

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Anat Stavans


Anat Stavans is an Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics at Beit Berl Academic College. Her research focuses on developmental and educational linguistics, trilingual acquisition and development, and cross-cultural and cross-linguistic literacy development. She is a consultant to several international agencies and institutions on multilingualism and multiliteracy and the Principal Investigator of the study ‘Predictors of text quality in written expository texts: a developmental study’.

Anat Stavans is an Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics at Beit Berl Academic College. Her research focuses on developmental and educational linguistics, trilingual acquisition and development, and cross-cultural and cross-linguistic literacy development. She is a consultant to several international agencies and institutions on multilingualism and multiliteracy and the Principal Investigator of the study ‘Predictors of text quality in written expository texts: a developmental study’.