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Priserna visas inklusive moms och du betalar med Klarna

Priserna visas exklusive moms, du kan betala med Klarna eller faktura

Handlar som: Privatkund

Priserna visas inklusive moms och du betalar med Klarna

Priserna visas exklusive moms, du kan betala med Klarna eller faktura

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Kelly B Cartwright


Kelly B. Cartwright, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology, Neuroscience, and Teacher Preparation, Christopher Newport University, 1 Avenue of the Arts, Newport News, Virginia 23693Dr. Cartwright is a professor of psychology, neuroscience, and teacher preparation at Christopher Newport University, where she teaches courses on the development of thinking, learning, language and literacy, research, reading processes, and preschool and elementary reading. Her research focuses on the nature of skilled reading comprehension and the cognitive factors that underlie comprehension difficulties across the lifespan from preschool to adulthood.

Kelly B. Cartwright, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology, Neuroscience, and Teacher Preparation, Christopher Newport University, 1 Avenue of the Arts, Newport News, Virginia 23693Dr. Cartwright is a professor of psychology, neuroscience, and teacher preparation at Christopher Newport University, where she teaches courses on the development of thinking, learning, language and literacy, research, reading processes, and preschool and elementary reading. Her research focuses on the nature of skilled reading comprehension and the cognitive factors that underlie comprehension difficulties across the lifespan from preschool to adulthood.